If you’ve been around our office long enough, you might have noticed that we have a written Code of Honour. One of the items references Kaizen.
IV. Kaizen: Commit to continuous improvement in the pursuit of mastery.

2025 Activator Certification
In that vein, I have used the past 30 days to review my material and complete the testing for my yearly retraining in Activator Methods, the assessment and adjusting technique we use in the office. I’ve maintained my Advanced Proficiency level certification in Activator now for over 2 decades. You’d think 20+ years would be enough to have mastered it all, but each year I discover refinements in how to locate and adjust the subluxations in my patients so they can live their best lives. I get truly excited about putting my new insights into action. I’m like a nerdy high school student, creating flashcards and cheat sheets to streamline my precision and effectiveness. Each year I do this, I feel like I’m treating myself to 4 weeks of rejuvenation. It sounds crazy, but I really DO enjoy the time spent re-organizing my perspective and seeing connections that I had previously not recognized.

Dr. K’s Study Flashcards
Kaizen isn’t something we are obligated to do, it’s something we are drawn to do. Find that special thing in life that makes you feel compelled to do whatever is necessary to master it!! That is your passion, and hopefully your life’s work.
I’m so eager to apply what I have assimilated to better help my patients reach their goals!